Karolina’s performing in the intriguing new show “ALL RIVERS” in celebration of the release of her most recent album on an international label.
After six different albums, each of which showcased a unique and varied aspect of Karolina’s work— which effortlessly glides between soul, trip-hop, Mediterranean, rhythm, and groove with unusual vocal abilities— the Israeli groove diva makes her first foray into the global market with a new album. The songs of the new album create an enthralling, vibrant, afrobeat, and soulful musical world!
Karolina will debut songs from the upcoming album and sing some of her best hits in a in a magical atmosphere during the special performance
Band Members
GuitarElran Dekel
DrumsItamar Weinstein
Keyboard & PianoTomer Tzuk
Percussion & AccordionInbar Heyman